Dear Mommy

I see you going through piles of clothes that once looked amazing on you. I see you gazing at your stretch marks even though you act like they don’t bother you. I see you searching for the confidence you once had when you enter the gym. I see you fixated on the clock searching for some time for yourself. I see you looking in envy at your paint set, books, collection of trophys you won during what seems like an eternity ago. I see you struggling to find new hobbies and joys because what made you happy before just doesn’t feel the same anymore. 

Every day I see you battling an inner battle with yourself. You look at everyone else and they all seem the same but, you feel different. Why am I feeling like this? Why can’t I just bounce back to being my old self? What’s wrong with me? Am I doing this right? Is this really this hard or am I making it this hard! 

For 9 months you learned to be selfless. You made every decision putting someone you hadn’t even met first. When the precious moment came,  you risked your life and endured any pain that came your way to bring new life into the world. Each and every day you learned to be selfless, to be vulnerable, to give your all when your running on empty, to not complain, to be the source of love you never had…

In such a short span you went from being a woman to a Mother. This journey of Motherhood has not only changed you…it has transformed you. The next time you look at yourself in the mirror embrace the new woman with in you, for she is your greatest strength and ally.

Dear Mommy, you are amazing and I am proud of who you have become.